The Concept of project finance
A project
finance is a long-term financing of infrastructural (mall, roads, towers) or industrial
(pipelines, factory etc.) projects based on a non-recourse (secured loan:
pledge, mortgage etc.) in which the finance of the project (finance debt)
will be repaid by the revenues generated by the project itself.
The legal
aspects of project finance comprises of all law related processes in the
development and realisation of the project finance like debts, securities, incorporation of
companies, compliance, taxation, exchange control and any other regulatory
regime that might apply.
Africa is in an apparent development deficit. Statistically, there
is a need for $93 billion investment in infrastructure every year so as to
boost Africa’s GDP against about $45 billion investment actually invested each
year. This analysis indicates a significant gap.
Parties to a Project finance
parties to a project finance are: the lender, the borrower, and the
security/collateral agent.
1. Lender
The Lender is an investor or a project financing structure with a number of investors (e.g. banks, hedge
funds or finance house) who provide most of the capital for project finance.
Lenders are mostly commercial banks.
A borrower is a project company who perceives funds or capital from the lender to
realize the a finance project.
Security agent
A security/collateral agent is the financial institution which holds
and supervises securities/collaterals on behalf of the lender under a facility
agreement as security performance of the borrower’s obligations under the
facility agreement.
The OHADA Uniform Act on securities clearly define the role and powers
of a security agent who is appointed by a deed.
These parties
all sign a contract known as a facility agreement which is a contract which
sets out the terms and conditions (including conditions precedent and
conditions subsequent) which must be fulfilled by the borrower to make the
facility loan available.
The functioning of a project finance
Briefly, the
lender defines terms and conditions to be respected by the borrower for the
granting of a loan. The lender equally appoints the security agent for the
constitution, registration, management and realization of securities on behalf of the lender.
The applicable OHADA laws in project finance
In principle,
OHADA Uniform Acts (together with national laws) will apply to a project
finance depending on the type of project.
Uniform Acts
which are most frequently applicable to a project finance are;
Uniform Act on Securities
Uniform Act on Collective Proceedings
for Clearing of Debts
Uniform Act on General Commercial Law
Uniform Act on Commercial companies
Uniform Act on Arbitration
Available securities under the OHADA laws used in project finance
are obligations to be full filled in order to discharge an obligation, in our
case, this will be the facility amount which will enable the realization of
the project.
The OHADA Uniform
Act on securities outlines the different types of securities which are
permitted in the OHADA zone.
In Project Finance,
securities which are mostly used are:
- - Pledge of intangible properties are
clearly stated (debts, bank accounts, partnership rights, transferable
securities, portfolios, business property and intellectual property rights) Article
125 of the Uniform Act on Securities
- - Mortgages (contractual mortgage) article
203 of the Uniform Act on Securities
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More details on the subject will be evoked in future articles
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Reviewed by Ntahdui Ntahdui Brandon
8:16 AM
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